Parent Information

Charging and Remissions Policy


Mr S Taylor - Designated Safeguarding Lead / Deputy Principal Inclusion Email: s ​t Mrs J Kirkland – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead E-mail: The Brunts Academy is committed to …more

Year 6 Transition

A welcome from Mr Charity on Year 6 Transition. Home ` Upcoming Events School Tour Parent App Meet the faculties Attendance Transition Timeline Uniform Transition Booklet …more

Free School Meals

The pupil premium is a funding stream given to schools by the Government. It is used to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to succeed at school by helping to remove any barriers caused by the disadvantages that can occur as a result …more

Remote Learning

All queries regarding home learning should be sent to With pupils now spending more time online at home it is vitally important that they are kept as safe as possible, The following weblinks offer excellent advice on …more

Parent App Information

We currently have two parent apps - WEDUC and ClassCharts. We use the applications as follows: WEDUC – For Attendance, Messages, Reports and Letters (documents). ClassCharts – For Behaviour, Rewards and Homework. Weduc: Receive alerts about …more

Parents Events

Y​ear 6 Open Evening: Thursday 28th September 2023 S​ixth Form Open Evening: Wednesday 18th October 2023 …more

School Day & Attendance

The Brunts Academy takes the attendance of its pupils seriously and encourages everyone to attend school every day. We are keen to work with parents and carers to help ensure excellent attendance and punctuality for pupils. Attendance Policy …more

School Holiday Pattern

2​024-25 2023-24 Nottinghamshire County Council Holiday Pattern …more