Our curriculum principles underpin our core values. The Brunts Academy is committed to providing a purposeful and empowering curriculum that fully prepares learners for the next steps in their school career, as well as the challenges of the wider world. We have four guiding principles for our curriculum:
1. Introduction The Brunts Academy recognises that the spiritual, moral, social and cultural element of students’ education is crucial to their development as an individual, allowing them to take their rightful place in the community as local, …more
This page will contain information to support students as they work towards their examinations. November 2023 Mock Information Key Dates: 13-24th November 2023 - Mock exams 13th December 2023 - Revising for success evening 15th December …more
Here at The Brunts Academy we have an amazing range of exciting enrichment opportunities for our students. "There are so ma ny new things for me to try! I have made so many new friends, learned new skills and gained confidence" …more
PSHE, including RSE, has been designed to engage, inspire, challenge and encourage pupils to examine their own and other peoples attitudes to a number of issues pertinent to life in the 21 st century. We aim for students to be open minded, with the …more
The details of our KS4 curriculum can be found in our latest options booklet, please see the link below