

We live in an increasingly globalised world.The Geography curriculum at KS3 has been designed with the intent to open minds to life beyond the locality, equipping students with the knowledge and skills to be responsible citizens in the 21st century.By focusing on place, we will bring together the key geographical issues of the current time, looking at the interaction between the physical and human in order to enable students to understand some of the current threats to the world in which we live.We will look at some of the darker aspects of geography, including modern day slavery, human trafficking and resource exploitation in order to address misconceptions and encourage students to be critical thinkers, with the ability to consider different viewpoints with due respect and deliberation.We aim to open students minds to the possibilities and opportunities afforded to them by living in a globalised world, in order that they may gain the skills to become truly global citizens.


The History curriculum is diverse, thought-provoking and academically rigorous. Students engage with current historical scholarship and develop their ability to analyse different interpretations and reach their own supported conclusions. It covers a broad range of time periods and strikes a balance between local, national and global history. The curriculum helps students to understand their place in the world, and how different groups’ experiences have shaped the modern world. Students will empathise with others; make links between different historical topics; understand the factors which have driven change over time, and be able to explain the various consequences of this change. History is rich in transferable skills and students develop knowledge alongside five key concepts that are revisited each academic year: chronology, causation, significance, source analysis and interpretations. These concepts are used as tools for students to make sense of, and understand the past and how it has been recorded.


It is our intent for the Religious Education element of our school curriculum to engage, inspire, challenge and encourage pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to answer challenging questions. We aim to equip all students with the ability to think for themselves as they study philosophical, theological and social issues. To be open minded to other points of view and to identify and challenge misconceptions and prejudice. We want students to listen to each other and not be afraid of making their own voice heard, justifying their viewpoint with reasoned consideration. We aim to encourage students to be critical thinkers and develop their literacy ability in order to debate controversial issues without causing offense to others. We want students to be inspired by Religious Studies, motivated to make a positive difference in the lives of those around them. Religious Studies aims to give them confidence to be courageous advocates for those who suffer injustice and discrimination.

Geography Curriculum Map

History Curriculum Map

Religious Studies Curriculum Map

Please note: Curriculum plans are constantly under review and are re-sequenced following key assessment points to ensure any gaps in knowledge and understanding are addressed. Should you have any questions or queries relating to your child's lessons, please email the relevant subject leader or